
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Memory of Light and A Contest

It's no secret that I love epic fantasy. I read it and write it. One of the greatest epic fantasy series of all time and a favorite of mine is coming to a close. January 8, 2013 is the release date for Memory of Light, the last of a fourteen volume series. Yep, that's right. Fourteen volumes over thirteen years of the Wheel of Time. (Or WOT to its admirers.) Thirteen years of dedication to one set of characters. An incredibly intricate mass of world building that encompasses dozens of invented countries and cultures. And what impresses me the most is the individuality of the huge cast of characters.   

This series has a tragic history. The author, Robert Jordan, died after the eleventh book, Knife of Dreams, was finished. Knowing he had a short time to live, he wrote detailed plans and dictated notes, included whole pieces of future novels and most of the grand ending. His editor and wife Harriot help hand pick Brandon Sanderson to finish the series. The last three books are coauthored by Sanderson, using Robert Jordan's notes. In my opinion, Sanderson has done a pretty close job of matching the style and tone of Jordan.

It takes an entire shelf on my bookcases to hold all the volumes plus, the prequel called New Spring. Back in 1990 I bought a book titled, Eye of the World. It was a first edition trade paperback. I had no idea that I'd be hooked for the next decade. Waiting on each new release. Soon I'll have to make room for the very last addition.

My favorite aspect of the WOT series are the clues Jordan put everywhere. Using prophecy and dreams, he hid clues to future book in plain sight. I do love trying to unravel events before they happen and WOT is the best around. There's nothing to equal the joy of finding your predictions coming true two books down the line.

In honor of this much awaiting book, I've decided to have a contest. I'll be giving away a new copy of either Eye of the World or Memory of Light. (Yep, you won't be getting my ratty old copies, but new ones.) Next weekend, I'll have a sign up for a chance to win. The winner will be announced on January 8th.

So what I need from you are comments on which prize you'd like to see. Are you new to the series and you'd rather have a chance at Eye of the World so you can start from the beginning? Or are you a longtime reader and want a copy of Memory of Light? Put your answers in the comments and let me know why you love WOT, then come back next weekend for the announcement.

1 comment:

  1. I had all of the books up to #11 at one point, but after Mr. Jordan passed away, I thought there wouldn't be a conclusion. I gave them away to a friend.

    Now, I want to kick myself. I really love this series. So, I would like to start gathering my collection again so if I win, I'd like Eye of the World, please.
