
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Query Kombat Picks

I had a request to spill the beans on all my picks for Query Kombat. Writers have that 'need to know' syndrome. Closure and all that. I've certainly been there myself so I can sympathise. Plus, I'm sure there have been guesses and you'd like to establish whether those guesses are correct so you can feel smug.  (I also like to feel smug.)

I just want to say that I loved all of the entries in Query Kombat. It was a very tough competition, hard to choose between them. Every week I had to vote against entries I really loved, both my picks and the picks of Mike and SC. 

So to the best of my memory (because I lost my list), here are my picks in no particular order:

Burrito Thief

Avenging Angels
Whispering Willows
Too Many Legs
Jungle Vendetta
Interstellar Pez
Zombie Barber
One-Eyed Cat
Space Mafia
Minna Gray
Not Odette
To Die For
Dream Pirates
Spirit Slayer
Repo Girl
Mississippi Crazypants
Knight in Shining Armani
History Hound

Sway Me Buble was my best nickname pick.

Please, please let me know on twitter or by email if you have any luck on your query journey. This goes for all the Kombatants. If you get a full request, an offer, or have any other success with your revised query let us know. We'd like to brag about your success and all the hosts would really like to cheer for you. Best of luck, and I believe Mike has plans to repeat this contest in the future.

And speaking of bragging: Mike, SC who pick three of the top four Kombatants?  Who's the queen of contest picks? What's that I can't hear you bowing down to me! Sorry, I just had to get that out there again. 


  1. YOU"RE THE QUEEN! Thanks for choosing me. And remember that SIX agents chose one of your picks as champion. :) You have a good eye == maybe agenting is in YOUR future.

  2. GIRLS RULE! WHOOO! hehe
