
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Cover Release for Summer's Edge with Frost and Fog

As some of you may know, I had a short story accept by The Elephant's Bookshelf Press for their summer anthology called Summer's Edge, which releases July 15th. However, few people know that they received so many excellent stories that the summer anthology will have TWO volumes!

Volume 1

The theme of these stories is short term relationships or relationships at an end, but I'll use Matt Sinclair's description as he said it best.

 "As much as we all like to think about what might have been, we all know that not all relationships were meant to last. For you, perhaps it was a May to September romance that still tastes sweet, or a one-night stand that lasted too long, or maybe the haunting pain associated with a parent or child who died too young.

In the next anthology from Elephant's Bookshelf Press, we explore the short-term relationship.

For the summer edition of our four-season series, we are looking for stories that share a love or relationship that is or appears to be short-lived or not long for this world."

Given that description one would think romance or family relationships. I'm sure many of the stories will follow that direction. Naturally, I went against the grain. 

Frost and Fog is a prequel to my epic fantasy, Kindar's Cure, and it has nothing to do with love or family. Set thousands of years from the time period of my epic, Frost and Fog relates how the religious worship in this world was established by a chance meeting of lumberjacks. It explores the ending of one type of life as a new one begins.

And it will be in fabulous company in volume two of the anthology, Summer's Double Edge, which also releases July 15th. 

Volume 2
You can find out more about the Summer's Edge Volumes on twitter using the hashtag #EBPchat. Find it on Goodreads. I am so excited to be part of this group of writers and all the proceeds of these books goes to charity.  

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  1. Yes, indeed, Michelle! We like going against the grain, too. Readers of horror and those who enjoy the odd or bizarre will also find something to sink their teeth into. I hope they're both well received!

  2. Mazel tov! Sounds like a fun read!

  3. Good for you. Sounds great. It must be so satisfying to see your work in print. :)

  4. Adding this to my TBR pile! Congrats on publishing!

  5. Yay! Congrats to you and all the Summer's Edge I and II authors!! Whoohoo!!! ::dance dance dance:: :-)

  6. Awesome! Relationships that weren't meant to last have actually been on my mind this week. Good luck, and much success!

  7. Congrats! Thanks for joining us.
