
Sunday, September 8, 2013


Religion and controversial issues don't usually make it onto my blog. I'm not a person who feels comfortable talking about such subjects in public and rarely to family or friends. It's a private sort of thing I keep tucked inside.

But sometimes an issue will surpass private. I've never been exactly thrilled with a lot of the religious trapping in our world, whether they be past or present. It hasn't always been in keeping with my idea of the lessons of Jesus. Lessons learned as a child and maybe full of childlike simplicity to this day. But I read about this in the newspaper and felt it is worth sharing.

The NALT Project is simply Christians proclaiming their belief in LGBT equality. It was created by the people who started the IT GETS BETTER Project.

So many so-called Christian spokesmen are quick to condemn their fellow man, and do it in the name of all Christians. Well, this site is there to say they don't speak for everyone.

Some Christians prefer to embrace tolerance and love. Now you know where I stand.


  1. I agree wholeheartedly. My husband and I are Episcopalian and we love how our church takes a stand on this issue. We have a banner out front that says "Jesus Loves Everyone, No Exceptions."

  2. I agree wholeheartedly. My husband and I are Episcopalian and we love how our church takes a stand on this issue. We have a banner out front that says "Jesus Loves Everyone, No Exceptions."

  3. I missed this over the weekend, but this is a great thing. I'm not religious and I think one of the things that turned me away from religion as a child was the acceptability of judging other for things that in no way affected the judger's life. It just never made sense to me, and I'm always happy when I see things like this make the world a more positive place.
