
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

After Sun versus Snow 2015

Amy Trueblood and I will be hosting a critique opportunity for anyone interested after the Sun versus Snow agent round ends. Anyone can join. It's NOT necessary to have been entered in Sun versus Snow. It's also NOT necessary that your manuscript is finished and polished.

The idea is to shine up entries for future contests!

To play along you will need a query letter and first 250 words. You'll also need a blog. Doesn't matter if you've never had a blog before, this is a good reason to start one. Then on February 13th, that's right Friday the 13th, come back to our blogs and add your link to the linky link. You will be required to critique the ten people above and below your entry. (If you are at the end or beginning of the link list, you'll critique people at the opposite end once the link closes.)

There will be no agents involved. Just writers helping writers and sharing their experience. I'll try and drop by as many as I can to give my thoughts. There are lots of contests coming. Get ready for them, draw traffic to your blog, and learn/meet new writer friends.

See you Friday the 13th.


  1. Ooo this looks like a great opportunity! I've been meaning to start drafting out my query letter for my next MS. Now I just need to remember where I left my blog...

  2. Sounds good. I do need some new eyes.

  3. Love these blog hops, Michelle! Thanks for the opportunity!

  4. Super excited. Now to chose which novel to put in. :)
