
Monday, March 14, 2016

Query Kombat '16 News

As has been the trend with Query Kombat, a new year brings new changes. And this year is no different. As many of you know, last year ended a little rough for our QK family. Michelle and I voted SC out of the group, causing some in the writing community to question our judgement.

Truth is, SC found a greater passion in his Write Inclusively campaign. It's a cause he vehemently believes in, and a change many (including myself and Michelle) would like to see come to fruition. Unfortunately, we couldn't see eye to eye on every detail, and that triggered our desire to keep Query Kombat and Write Inclusively (as entities, not ideologies) separate. When we couldn't come to an agreement on the degree of separation, Michelle and I were faced with a decision. And we made one.

SC was an asset to Query Kombat. Hell, without him, I may not have had the courage to see my idea through. Regardless of his day to day involvement from here forward, SC helped mold the Query Kombat tournament, as well as the dynamic of our group behind the scenes. He will forever be a part of the legacy of Query Kombat, and I hope one day we can work with him again.

As I said, though, a new year brings new changes! And exciting ones at that. Today, we're officially welcoming a new member into the QK Crew. Many of you may remember her from QK2014 as an agent round veteran. Now, she'll be behind the scenes helping to make others dreams come true.

So, without further ado, I'd like to welcome Laura Heffernan!

Laura Heffernan is a California-born women's fiction writer, represented by Michelle Richter at Fuse Literary. One Saturday morning when she was four or five, Laura sat down at the family's Commodore 64 and typed out her first short story. She's written ever since. Laura also works as a freelance editor. She's pro-Oxford comma, anti-unnecessary-to be-verbs, and believes cookie dough is a key food group.

When she used to have spare time, Laura enjoyed travel, baking, board games, and new experiences. She lives in the northeast, freezing like the true California girl she is, with her amazing husband and two furry little beasts. Although her growing fuzzy sock collection is becoming impressive, Laura eagerly awaits the return of flip-flop season.

Feel free to tweet your congrats using the #QueryKombat hashtag! And stop by Laura's blog to see the winners of the crossword puzzle host game. 

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