
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

PBParty #11: THE GREAT HOLIDAY COOKIE FIGHT, Rhyming w/Backmatter

Genre:  Rhyming PB with recipes in backmatter
Word Count: 500


Dear Michelle and Sharon,

Eating is the best part of any holiday, isn’t it? No matter what holiday one celebrates around the world, food is nearly always a centerpiece. In “The Great Holiday Cookie Fight,” we explore the qualities of eight different cookies from around the world which represent many different world cultures and holiday traditions from Diwali to Greek Orthodox Christmas to Hanukkah to Kwanzaa. The picture book uses a humorous rhyming story to introduce all eight cookies and celebrate their diversity as they learn from the wise Indian shortbread Nan Khatai: “A fight between two cookies can end only in their crumbs-- the wiser cookie seeks, through peace, such hate to overcome.” Meanwhile, backmatter gives a bit more information about their cultural context and of course provides their recipes, most of which are simple enough for children to make with minimal help.

Not only does this manuscript represent a holiday book which bridges many different religious traditions, but the cookies are equally diverse:  there are vegan, gluten-free, and nut-free recipes as well as one with no refined sugar. However, the takeaway is that readers don’t need to decide on just one favorite: it takes all kinds of cookies (and holidays) to make a world!

I have experience with both children and writing in my personal and professional life. I am the mother of two small boys, but I also have a PhD in German Literature and have been teaching at various levels (currently in public schools) for over twenty years. I am a SCBWI critique group leader for Southern Maine and a founding member of the “Round the World Writers” group.  I also review picture books on my blog Schreibenfreude where I have learned some great lessons about what is selling today, foremost being: keep it funny, and keep it short.  I have several other manuscripts in progress, many of which come from personal experience growing up in rural Maine, such as a story about raising chickens (to collect eggs for the 100th day of school) and an exploration of what life is like for an introverted child with social anxiety.

I am very grateful to both Michelle and Sharon for providing me with this opportunity and I hope that you enjoy reading “The Great Holiday Cookie Fight!”

First 50 Words:

The best of all the parties in December was “The Swap”
Eight tins of cookies, vying for a precious spot on top.
So when the bakers left the room to gossip and sip tea,
A great debate ensued of who the finest sweet could be.
The first to rise was Ya-ya, sugar-dusted, plump and Greek.


  1. Hi! I'd be interested to read more of The Great Holiday Cookie Fight. Please sent the full manuscript to Thanks for participating in PBparty!

  2. Cute concept! Please send the full manuscript pasted in the body of the email,along with your pitch and bio to Thanks!

  3. Who doesn't love cookies? I'd love to see more! Please send to with the query in the email + full MS attached and put #PBParty in the subject!
