It's with a heavy heart that I share there will be no Query Kombat this year. This is the time we should be busy planning and inviting agents and judges. None of that has happened for several reasons. This year, I'm feeling drained from contests. Pitchwars went on much longer than ever before, and I've been doing contests for over six years now. I need a break. At least from the big contests.
In addition, many of you also know that one of my usual co-hosts for Query Kombat had a baby this time time last year. She just does not have the time to give to her family, her writing, and contests. On top of that, my other co-host has gotten more and more busy with his day job. He'd be unavailable to reach during the week days. That leaves just me. To do Query Kombat by myself or with completely new and unfamiliar co-hosts is just too much. Most of the load would still fall on me.
I need some time for my own writing and family. So we've decided to put Query Kombat aside for this year. Hopefully, there will be changes that make it possible again next year.
But don't despair! Query Kombat is a huge contest with tons of judge and lots of scheduling. You might remember that between the reading of subs and the entries battling from 64 to the Grand champion, Query Kombat lasts a month and a half. It also involved over thirty judges and so many blog post. Really time consuming to plan and execute. I hope to fill the summer months with a smaller contest. I'm doing some brainstorming about that now and I'd like your help.
I'm asking you to think about a breezy summer contest and what that might look like. Comment with your suggestions below. I've been thinking of something interactive that lets the writers who enter actually vote on who reaches the agent round. Maybe with myself having a few host saves. Perhaps doing several rounds with the top vote getters moving forward. But share what you like in a contest, and I'll do my best to put something together!