Monday, April 2, 2018

Picture Book Party Finalists 2018

Here we go. Sharon and I tried to give this much thought and pick a good variety of entries. We kept an eye out for diversity, but also for unique concepts or interesting methods. We found entries that made us laugh and those that made us cry.

Just like every year there were way more fantastic entries than there are spots. We had just as many entries left in the maybe as entries that ended up as finalists, and even more that we starred as standouts. 

A writer's life in video: Happy, sad, Happy, sad

Before the reveal, I just want to remind everyone that contests are for fun and meeting other writers, building contacts. In no way are they a reflection on a story. There are only 23 picks out of 329 entries. Maybe people have entered contests and gotten no love, only to get an agent from the query slush--like me. For one thing, we are limited to the number of picks we can showcase, while an agent is not. So keep querying, keep writing those adorable picture and chapter books.

It's very tough. I know the disappointment. Hugs. Use it to keep going.

Please if your title is on the list, watch my blog early on Wednesday and check your entry for typos or formatting problems. Let me know as soon as possible what needs fixed in this post or on twitter. 

So here are the picks, listed in no particular order and color coded just for fun.

The Chipmunks of S.T.E.M.

Tippy Taxi
Magic in Mexico
We Walked
Hilton the Shark
One Big Catch
Venetian Lullaby
Dance Like a Leaf
A Blanket in the Snow: Quatie Ross and the Trail of Tears
Sofia, Soccer Star
Hunting for Micrometeorites
Frida's Journey
Ninja Chef: The Way of the Cake
Author vs. Illustrator
Alfred, the Exploding Poodle
Smile! The Story of the Man Who Created the Smiley Face
Don't Do That
Mommy's Little Monkeys
My Magic Tree
Moose and the Pudgy Fudgy Cookies
Old King Cole is Not a Merry Old Soul
Daisy Did It Anyway

Congrats to the finalists! Hugs to those who will be watching! See you Wednesday for the agent round. It does last three days. Nobody is promised requests, but our fingers are crossed. 


  1. Thanks for organizing this! Those all have great names.

  2. I’m screaming for joy in my car right now!!!! Thank-you!!!!

  3. Congrats to all the picks!! :-)

  4. Oh my gosh! Atty is so excited!

    1. Fantastic! Sharon and I both had to have this entry.

      If there's a contact for Atty or family on twitter, please let us know. It's so we can let authors know about requests.

    2. Ninja Chef: The Way of Cake (Needs to be Ninja Chef: The Way of The Cake)

    3. I am her mom, my twitter is @Stacy_Baron :)

  5. Thank you, this is really giving back to the community in a big way!

  6. I am beside myself with joy. Hope is a beautiful gift.

  7. Congratulations everyone and good luck! Thanks for putting this on Michelle and Sharon. I look forward to reading the entries.

  8. Oh my goodness!!! Looks like I'm late to the party, but thank you so much, Michelle and Sharon!

  9. Thanks again Michelle and Sharon! Typo in letter, back matter needs to be two words instead of one. Thanks so much!!!

  10. Congratulations partiers and good luck!!

  11. Thank you so much for all your hard work organizing this contest, Michelle and Sharon!

  12. Congratulations to everyone. It's a great group of titles.
