Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Free Pass into Nightmare on Query Street

Last year I had you name the frogs living on my deck to win a free pass. They were awfully cute. But sadly the frogs are not like swallows. They didn't come back this year. That means a whole new contest!

This year we finally got visitors to our hummingbird feeder. My cousins in Iowa had feeders on their porch and they were swarming with the little birdies. Like dozens at a time, waiting in line. We are not quite so lucky, or maybe as beginners we haven't earned such a flock.

This is our second feeder this year. The first one got stolen by raccoons.

We have a single Mr. and Mrs. Hummingbird, but they need names before they leave for the winter! So name the hummingbirds and try to win a spot in Nightmare on Query Street.

My free pass allows you to bypass the slush and go directly to a spot on Team Minion in Nightmare on Query Street. At this time we have a total of TEN  ELEVEN Twelve! Thirteen! agents signed up!

Nothing could be simpler. Comment with your hummingbird name and fill out the rafflecopter. You have until October 10th.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I already commented, but it doesn't look like it went through. I apologize if this comes up with a duplicate post. But...

    Let's balance the hummingbird's beauty and flighty nature with it's pragmatism and good judgment. Emma and Mr. Knightley.

  2. Mr. Herman and Lily Munster! Such a romantic couple <3

  3. Captain and Mrs. Reynolds...gotta love Firefly and Joss Whedon. ;)

  4. Poe and Lenore.

    Because it's for Halloween and WHO BETTER THAN POE. And Lenore.

  5. Odette and Derek from Swan Princess

  6. I'll go with the classic Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy

  7. Cathy and Heath (or Catherine and Heathcliff on a Sunday)

  8. All these suggestions are cute!! I especially love the Bonnie and Clyde idea. They could be two rogue hummingbirds on the run!!

    I'm going Shakespeare with Petruchio and Kate. :)

  9. Bonnie and Clyde or Sherlock and Watson
    Sorry was trying to comment with Wordpress account not google

  10. Hana and Kip from one of my favourite books of all time ever, The English Patient.

  11. George and Mary Bailey from It's A Wonderful Life

  12. Buttercup and Wesley (The Princess Bride)

  13. Katara and Aang. (Book 4 releases in 10 days!!!!! I am soooooo excited to see what happens next!! SQUEEE!)

  14. Tweety and Twitter (okay, so NOT cool, but it's what came to my mind first ;) Thanks for hosting this cute free-pass chance!

  15. Catherine and Heathcliff

  16. Eugenie & Dexter :)

  17. His name is Archibald, but everyone calls him Gus. He can't remember why. As a boy, he dreamed of becoming a woodpecker and working with his uncle at the Chipping Factory. But then he met Evie, a rambunctious beauty with a hibiscus allergy. She filled his head with stories of far away places, of adventures beyond his wildest dreams. Gus never looked back. Everyday with Evie is a new adventure, new sights, new sounds, new tastes. One day they will settle down. Maybe they'll even start a family. Today, Gus and Evie are happy flitting from one adventure to the next. There's too much beautiful world to see to slow down now.

  18. Replies
    1. I thought of better names. Maverick and Goose, because they feel the need . . . the need for speed!

  19. Replies
    1. Oooh! I *just* thought of that one this morning. Darn you!

  20. They are so sweet :-) Richard and Elise from Somewhere In Time

  21. Lolita and Humbird Humbird

    The tip of the wings taking a trip of three steps down to the nectar to sip...

  22. As a mystery enthusiast, I say Nick and Nora Charles. :-)

  23. Ellie and Carl (the couple in Pixar's Up)

  24. Adam and Eve because they are the first to your feeder.

  25. Cath and Levi

    or non-literary, Buzz and Piper.

  26. Tara (The plantation in Gone With the Wind) and Kirrin (George's family cottage in The Famous Five)

  27. Gomez and Morticia, the ultimate couple.

  28. Han Solo and Leia Organa...for the ultimate spunky couple. ;-)

  29. Adam & Eve, for they were the first chosen ones then many are sure to follow in their new found paradise. (a)tallcapdoppio on twitter thank you for the oppurtunity!!! Dev

  30. Twitter and Tweet. I wish I could fly south with them!

    1. Great minds think alike! I said, Tweety and Twitter. It's meant to be... ;)

  31. Henry and Frances Longfeather (And hoping someone gets it.)

  32. Hatty and John...The MC and love interest from my MS. :-)

  33. Mulder and Scully! Because Fox the Hummingbird should be a thing :)

  34. Maverick and Goose -- because watching hummers dart around their feeder is kind of like Top Gun and buzzing the tower. :)

  35. Cadbury and Nutella....sweet names to honor the sugar that hummingbirds love!

  36. Mrs. Chickie Mango and Mr. Skeet Mango

  37. In the spirit of NoQS,

    Jack & Sally

    From Nightmare Before Christmas :-)

  38. Tony Montana and Elvira Hancock from SCARFACE.

  39. Replies
    1. I have to comment. This is my favorite fiction couple!

  40. Pokey and Penny Greenback. I don't know why I picked those names, it just seemed right when looking at the pictures.

  41. Mr Phineas Goodfeather & Mrs Lenora Balderdash

  42. Pink and Panther, Europe's most notorious jewel thieves. You think the raccoons stole your first feeder because that is what Pink and Panther WANT you to think. They are planning their next heist even now. There's no way that second feeder makes it through the Fall.

  43. I'd name the hummingbirds sugar and spice.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Oscar and Emmy. The next time you see them in the spring, you'll remember everything you love about them the first time you saw them.
    "Don't worry Emmy, I'll save you a seat." Love - Oscar.

  46. Except, I forgot to name the little darlings: OK. Jack and Ethel.

  47. I'm sorry to burst everyone's bubble, but both birds are actually male. They only just came around now because they had to first go to NY in order to legally get married. They are a little upset that they made the long travel to NY considering today's Supreme Court ruling, but what's done is done. Oh yeah, their names. They are named Horus and Thoth, after the two Egyptian gods with bird heads. I can never tell which one is which because, I mean come on, they're freaking birds, so I always just say, "Hey Horus and Thoth," and then talk to them as a pair.

  48. Not sure if my post made it up or not. My laptop is giving me grief. So, the birds––I would name them Hal and Eve. You know, because clearly they're Halloween birds. They even show up at your house for sweets ;)

  49. Shadow and Midnight

  50. Loki and the Enchantress. Mr. Hummingbird kinda looks like him, doesn't he? :)

  51. Two of the cutest names out there, Babar & Celeste!

  52. Honeysuckle and Fleur

  53. Cruella and Deville

  54. Mr. & Mrs. Smith

    Ruby & Emerald

    Thor & Sif (I like the irony of tiny things with big names.)

  55. Flit and Meeko, after the hummingbird and raccoon in Disney's Pocahontas.

  56. Snow & Charming (Like the Fairytale & characters on Once Upon A Time)

  57. Paulie and Parnell, those brilliant old friends from ANATOMY OF A MURDER

  58. Boo and Scout (To Kill a Mockingbird)

  59. Tweety-tee and Tweety-tum :)

  60. Great names! I'm going with Barnes and Noble.

  61. I love a lot of these suggestions. So cute. Hmm, I'd say Cleo and Mark Antony.

  62. So many good names. How about some Latin flare. They do go south for the winter after all.

    Speedy and Rosita from my favorite cartoon, Speedy Gonzalez.

  63. Oh, Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable!

    Sadly, my vote doesn't count

  64. Samson and Delilah (same names my last two piggies had before they went to the butcher... sorry... bacon on the brain!!!)

  65. Darkwing and Morgana...because I have a childish love for one of my fave cartoons, Darkwing Duck.
