Here they are! The mentors for Team Snow. We'll plow down the competition and bury them under bulldozers of snow, leaving them unable to get up!
The mentors will be helping the picks polish up their query letters and first pages. Here's a little something about the mentors. Please do follow them on twitter and buy their books. They work hard to help writers and deserve your thanks. Do read down to the bottom of the post for details about our mentor chat on twitter!
And visit Amy's blog to see the Sun mentors.
Monica Hoffman
Mentoring SFF
Monica M. Hoffman is a Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy author represented by Laurie McLean and Tricia Skinner of Fuse Literary. She is an active member of SCBWI, RWA, and the writing community. She is the Communications Director and a YA mentor for Brenda Drake's Pitch Wars organization. She’s a Trekkie, Dr. Who, and Star Wars fanatic, and a PC gamer when she’s not writing or reading. You can find her tweets about all things YA lit & entertaining GIFs on Twitter and Facebook.
Mentoring Middle Grade
Wade hails from Nova Scotia, Canada, land of wild blueberries and Duck Tolling Retrievers. He teaches part-time, dabbles in animation, and spends the rest of his time as a stay-at-home dad. It is also possible he has set a new record as the slowest 10K runner. Ever. He owns one pretend cat and one real one, and they get along fabulously.
Twitter: @wadealbertwhite
Mentoring Mystery/Thriller and SFF
Victoria Gilbert, raised in the shadow of the Blue Ridge
Mountains, turned her early obsession with reading into a dual career as an
author and librarian. She’s a member of Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of
America, and International Thriller Writers.
Facebook author page:
Carrie Callaghan
Mentoring Historical and SFF
Carrie Callaghan is a historical fiction writer living in Maryland with her spouse, two young children, and two ridiculous cats. Her debut novel, A Light of Her Own, about 17th century Dutch artist Judith Leyster, is forthcoming from Amberjack Publishing in November 2018. Her short fiction has appeared in Weave Magazine, The MacGuffin, Silk Road, Floodwall, and elsewhere. Carrie is also an editor and contributor with the Washington Independent Review of Books.
Twitter: @carriecallaghan
Natasha Raulerson grew up as a tomboy hanging with the guys, getting skinned knees, and swimming in the South Florida sun.Though she’s more inclined to wear dresses now, she still prefers a good pair of chucks and comfy pair of jeans. Tattoos, Jack Daniels, and hanging at the pool are three of her favorite things. She is a wife, mom, and author. Most recently, her short story, I, Alphabet, received second place in the 86th Annual Writer's Digest Competition (Literary/Mainstream). After work, she comes home for family time and snuggles with the pups, before working on her own writing. She is represented by Laura Bradford of the Bradford Literary Agency.
Twitter/Instagram: @RaulersonWrites
Mentoring Mystery and Thriller
Max is the author of the Dahlia Moss mystery series, and other assorted hijinx, the third of which-THE QUESTIONABLE BEHAVIOR OF DAHLIA MOSS-will hit stores in January of 2018. Max is a Query Kombat alum with a penchant for zippy query letters, expansive JRPGs, and overcommitting his schedule. Check out his website at or follow him on twitter at @maxwires.
A third generation native Arizonan, Kelly deVos can tell you everything you’ve ever wanted to know about cactus, cattle and climate. She holds a B.A. in Creative Writing from Arizona State University. Kelly is represented by Kathleen Rushall of the Andrea Brown Literary Agency. Her debut novel, FAT GIRL ON A PLANE, will be published on 6/5/18 by Harlequin Teen and her work has been featured in Normal Noise and 202 Magazine.
Twitter: KdeVosAuthor
Facebook: Kelly deVos
Instagram: Kelly deVos
Tumblr: Kelly deVos Author
Goodreads: Kelly deVos
Marty Mayberry
Marty Mayberry writes adult and young adult fiction. When she’s not dreaming up ways to mess with her character’s lives, she works as an RN/Clinical Documentation Specialist. She has a BA in International Affairs in German and an Associate’s Degree in Nursing. She lives in New England with her retired Seabee Chief husband, children, a spunky Yorkie puppy, and three neurotic cats. She’s a member of SCBWI, YARWA, and a PRO member of RWA.
Her young adult sci-fi thriller, PHOENIX RISING, won the YARWA’s Rosemary Award for speculative fiction in ’15 & her UF won second place in the ’17 New Adult Rosemary Award.
She’s represented by Jessica Watterson of the Dijkstra Agency.
Twitter: @marty_mayberry
Kim Long is an attorney in the Chicagoland area, where she spends her days expressing her clients’ (always true) stories to judges and juries. She writes MG contemporary fantasy that contain a sprinkle of science and is represented by Sara Crowe at Pippin Properties. When not managing her fantasy baseball and football teams, she can be found biking, watching Star Wars for the zillionth time, or teaching her nieces about the importance of choosing the correct racer (Toad) and vehicle (standard bike) to win in Mario Kart.
Now for the mentor chat!
We will be having a Mentor Chat with two sessions on January 18th at 4:00 pm EST and 8:00 pm EST. You can visit the Mentor Chat on twitter and pick the brains of these experienced writers along with the hosts. Feel free to ask questions about genre and word count or writing in general. Ask about their experience on submission or once they were published. See what they think makes for an enticing first page or what belongs in a query.
We will be using the hashtag #svschat. Can't wait to see you all there. And the agent post will be coming soon! Until then immerse yourself in snow!
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