WELCOME to the fifth Sun versus Snow agent round! Yep, Amy and I have been holding this contest for five years now. Allow me to think about how far we've come and how many success stories have come out of these contests. Maybe people have gone from writers to published authors in those five years, including myself and Amy.
Much has changed. But much stays the same.
Today, when we're expecting a foot of snow, can you say omen!, is the day our amazing agents can begin reading the entries and making requests. Not only will they see the 16 amazing entries here, but they can also make requests for Team Sun over at Amy Trueblood's blog!
As the agents move through the entries, please remember that contests are subjective. Our agents have a definitive idea of what they would like for their list. If they do not request, it DOES NOT mean the entry was not worthy. No matter what happens, you’ve got to keep querying and NEVER GIVE UP!
Before Team Snow freezes out Team Sun, here are some guidelines to remember:
There is no commenting in this round except for agents. Sorry, but no cheerleading as this may lead to an unconscious bias.
We are happy to see and retweet your thoughts and cheers over on Twitter under the #sunvssnow tag! That’s the place to hang out and have fun! I hope to see my Team Snow members present with their snow hats and mittens! We have a blizzard of amazing entries that are going to completely obscure Team Sun!
Watch both my and Amy’s Twitter feed as we will be tweeting when an agent makes an appearance!
Agents will consider entries at both the blogs regardless of whether they are Sun or Snow fans. Amy and I are hoping the agents go crazy with the requests! There is amazing talent on both our teams!
Good luck to all! And get out your snowballs and thermals because Team Snow is taking no prisoners!

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