Thursday, June 7, 2018

Query Kombat Agent Round 2018

Due to my troublesome and uncooperative appendix all the agent round entries are on Kara's and Mike's blogs. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused and I'll be back for the 2nd round of Kombat.

For my team, you can find your entries there and good luck! 

Please be sure to thank Kara and Mike for doing double duty.

Agents will request by saying, “I want to see more of this!” and leaving their submission instructions.  As you remember, agent requests will stay hidden until an entry is knocked out of the tournament.

Kombatants, don’t forget to put QUERY KOMBAT Request in your subject line when sending material!

The number of pages you’ll send depends on how far you go in Query Kombat! It's because we're super evil. Here's how the system works:

Host Saves or Round 2 knockout = 30 page request
Round 3 knockout = 50 page request
Round 4 knockout = 100 page request
Round 5 knockout = 150 page request
Round 6 knockout = 200 page request
GRAND CHAMPION = Full request

For instance, getting knocked out in the third round means an entrant will send 50 pages to any agent who requested their work. The grand champion winner from the final round will see their requests bumped up to a full. Host Saves will be allowed to see their requests immediately as they are not continuing to the 2nd round.

If an agent sees an entry where the minimum of 30 pages isn’t enough, they can play a wild card and name their amount of pages and get their request immediately! If they fall in love and absolutely want a full, the wild card will let them do that. Each agent gets two wild cards.

However, only two wild cards can stand per entry. That means only the first two wild cards count. After that, agents will have to wait until the entry is knocked out.

So that’s it! Commenting on entries is only allowed for agents. Kombatants can mix and mingle on Twitter but can’t comment, with the exception of this post where they can leave questions.

Best of luck and May the Requests Be With You! BATTLE ON!

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