This isn't a normal Getting the Call post. I've been debating what to say on this subject for a few days now. I wasn't sure whether to bring it up or let it lie. Then I decided that people should be warned. Other writers need to know to be cautious, as all that glitters may turn out to blow up in their faces. I'll just give the basics of the situation and leave any names out of it. Please do not mention names in any comments you may leave.
A very close friend and CP of mine recently got an offer of representation. This offer came from a new agency. This agency didn't have much experience in the publishing world. But my friend had tried many agents with no luck. She has a great manuscript. (I know, I read it myself!) It was just bad luck and bad timing because of her particular crowded genre that she didn't get other offers. Of course, she was very excited. Her group of CP's celebrated with her. Now her ms could go on submission before large publishers!
She filled out a questionnaire and waited for the agent to contact her again. Time passed... and passed. She contacted the agent and heard nothing. The person stopped discussing agent related things in their tweets. My friend tried again. Nothing. We learned of another writer also offered representation by this agent who was also shut out.
I was very upset for my friend, and more then that--angry. Sure we've all heard of horror stories before. But they were always "stories." My friend did everything right when dealing with this person. She kept her cool and used her common sense. She is now working hard on her WIP and will query again with that ms.
It's a very exciting time when you get an offer. Be cautious. Ask questions. Don't let the excitement make you forget common sense. Keep some perspective. And remember, they aren't just "stories."
Thank you for this. It's scary to know that this happens, still.
ReplyDeleteI guess my logical side doesn't understand how this could happen. So the agent offered representation over the phone and then never responded after that? Was this reported to Predators & Editors? I'm so sorry for your CP. How devastating that would be!
ReplyDeleteI don't believe she has decided what to do about it yet. She may go to P&E.
DeleteThis is a good cautionary tale, and unfortunately, not all that uncommon. Agents/agencies change lines/focus or go belly up. Even if you get an agent, you can be dropped by your agent or they can fail to sell your ms. Even if your ms. gets sold to publisher, you can be dropped by the publisher, before or after your ms. is published. Sh*t happens during all stages of the process. Authors need to remember that not all their eggs rest in one basket - there will be other agents, other publishers, other manuscripts. The writing life goes on, despite these set backs.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to your CP - if one agent bit, then so will others! :-)
Very true. Sometimes life is a gamble. Be ready for anything.
DeleteNowadays it seems like agents are changing agencies and starting up agencies and getting out of the business in droves. It's a hard world out there, harder than I can ever recall.
ReplyDeleteYou've got that right. It's a tough business that is made tougher by bad things like this.
DeleteOh no! So glad she isn't letting it stop her.
ReplyDeleteI've heard the stories. I'm becoming very leery with the constant upheaval among agents and pub houses. Before I might have given a newbie agent a shot...but now? I've narrowed my list to only those with a history and established agency. Although those can jump ship as well.
And if my self pub attempt goes well this summer, I may turn fully to that route anyway.
*sigh* Looks like I'm screwed. I know who you are talking about and I have a full with that agency. Just sucks because as much as I try not to put all my eggs in one basket, I can't seem to get my foot pass the door.
ReplyDeleteOh that is awful!!! Plz tell her I'm sorry and that I'm pulling for her. That was a horrible way to be treated & I hope she goes to P&E about the situation.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure my friend appreciates all the positive thoughts everyone is sending her way. Thank you everyone!
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting the warning. I'll have to keep a more careful eye on P&E in the future.
ReplyDeleteMichelle, would you let me know who this agent is? I want to know who to avoid. I've already become more disenchanted with agents than I ever have been (I was blown off my one recently as well), and am extremely wary right now. DM on Twitter, if you want. Just please let know who.