Saturday, January 12, 2013

Kick off of Lessons Learned the Hard Way

The Speculative Fiction group at AQC is having a giant blog hopping, guest posting, crazy month in January. In honor of it, I've decided to kick off a new series of posts about writing lessons learned along the journey. Lessons that are sort of like being poked in the eye by a pencil but in a good way because they help you grow and make your writing better.

I've invited friends to post their favorite lessons on a range of subjects whether it is querying, writing, editing, or promotion. You'll be seeing those in the weeks ahead.

But first, I kicked it off with a post of my own painful journey. It wouldn't be fair to have my friends recount their own mistakes and not admit my own. You can see my version on TJ Loveless' blog. Please come by and leave a comment so I don't feel lonely. Thank you TJ for that great introduction and for opening your blog to me.


  1. You did a great job, and your entry is visited quite a bit :) Apparently people like confessions!

  2. TJ, I'm afraid all those visits to my post on your blog are from me. It was fun to spill my guts.
