Monday, September 2, 2013

Who Needs a Media Sheet?

What exactly is a media sheet and who needs one? 

A media sheets is a brief and concise summary of your book and yourself to provide to reviewers and bloggers when trying to land some promotion for your book. It contains everything needed in one document, so people don't have to scrounge for your information and keep sending emails back and forth. In other words, it makes life easier for the people you want reading your book.

It's a must have for anyone who is self-published or is published from a small press, like me. They are useful to any author who has to do their own promoting and marketing. They make you look professional.

So what goes into a media sheet?

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You'll want to include your bio and all the links to your best social media, along with an author picture. But the centerpiece of your media sheet should be the blurb about your book and its cover art. Links to where it is sold and links to reading sites are also helpful. And don't forget to include a strong excerpt. 

And once you get reviews going, be sure to include short quotes from some of those. I left room for some of those in center box.

I can't claim to have designed my own media sheet. Terri Bruce let me hijack hers and convert it for Kindar's Cure

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 It should be both pretty and functional. And hopefully it is enticing enough to get your work out there before the public. 

What about you? What aids do you use to promote?

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