Monday, February 10, 2014

Critique Workshop

Looks like the Critique Workshop will be smaller than anticipated. Let's see if we can still make it helpful. Critiquing queries not only helps the owner of the query, it also builds valuable skills in what makes a query work and what doesn't. The more you help others with their queries, the more you can learn about how to make your own query successful.

Please leave comments for all three of our entrants. And make those comments as helpful as possible. 

If you'd like your query added to the group, contact me in the comments or on twitter. 


  1. Hey I totally miss this! I've been sick the last week. Can I still enter my query?

    1. We've got room. :-) You can send your workshop entry to the email listed in the left sidebar.

  2. I'd love to enter if there's still room. If so, do I have to send it exactly how I entered it for Sun vs. Snow, or can I send the (hopefully much better now) revised version?

    1. You can send a revised version to the email in my left sidebar.

  3. Thanks! I'm looking forward to submitting and critiquing when I get home from work.

  4. Did you get my comment with my info on the WL entry? If not I will resend it. Ragnor's Bane, YA.

  5. I'd love to enter if it's still open?
