Below you will find Round 2 match-ups. Since the entry 'Fed to the Crocodiles' received an offer of representation during the agent round, we have 31 entries going into the second round instead of 32. The unmatched entry will advance to round three automatically, but we ask that kombatants and judges still offer feedback for the lone entry.
Round two will be hosted on SC and Michael's blog. Orange match-ups will be posted here while SC will post red match-up. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please leave a comment or tweet me @RavenousRushing
Round 2 Match-ups
Give a Girl a Redo vs Orphan Red
Zip vs. A Thousand Miles Astray
Best(iary) West. vs Skins of the Father
Evesdropping Monkey vs The Impressionistic Cow
Best(iary) West. vs Skins of the Father
Evesdropping Monkey vs The Impressionistic Cow
Elephant Never Forgets vs Paranomal Fear
Greek Gods vs Forget You, Stalin
Papergirl/Yesterday vs Muscial Mirror Mayhem
Queen of Drone vs Stellar Twins
Grandma Guardians vs. Middle Grade Leverage
Teenagers Make Poor James Bond vs. A Girl and Her Serial Killer
Brain Gourmet vs. My Monster Twin is Rotting
Broadway Baby vs. Life Sucks-I'm Stuck in Podunk
Guilt by Association vs. Twin for the Win
Sand Dollar vs. Librarians, Curses, and Mysteries
Fake Heirs Do it Better vs. My Life as a Teenage Pirate Queen
Greek Gods vs Forget You, Stalin
Papergirl/Yesterday vs Muscial Mirror Mayhem
Queen of Drone vs Stellar Twins
Grandma Guardians vs. Middle Grade Leverage
Teenagers Make Poor James Bond vs. A Girl and Her Serial Killer
Brain Gourmet vs. My Monster Twin is Rotting
Broadway Baby vs. Life Sucks-I'm Stuck in Podunk
Guilt by Association vs. Twin for the Win
Sand Dollar vs. Librarians, Curses, and Mysteries
Fake Heirs Do it Better vs. My Life as a Teenage Pirate Queen
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