Saturday, February 22, 2014

Critique Workshop Round 3

Here we go for the final round! 

Critiquing queries not only helps the owner of the query, it also builds valuable skills in what makes a query work and what doesn't. The more you help others with their queries, the more you can learn about how to make your own query successful.

If your query is listed please leave comments for all the other entrants. And make those comments as helpful as possible. You can take a week if needed to get them all done, but please don't skip anyone.

This is the last workshop, but you can contact me on twitter or by blog comment if you are interested in my editing services. I'm running a special on queries and will include the first 250 with the query as part of the sale price. 


  1. Did you want us going back to #1 and commenting all of them or just the entrants in this round?
