I'm so happy to bring you another story of inspiration and also confirmation that contests do help. Can I get a Whoop Whoop for a former Minion from Nightmare on Query Street--Aimee Hyndman! (See her contest entry here.) Congrats on getting an agent, Aimee, and good luck on submission. I can't wait to read Hour of Mischief!
Well, here we are, and as I sit here typing this, I am floating in
surreal clouds of happiness.
I was a sophomore in high school when I finished my first book and
decided to get it published. Not that I had any knowledge of what
publishing entailed. For all I knew, the magic book fairies came by
and *poof* a book was made. But, just in case book fairies didn't
exist, I plunged into research. I wanted to educate myself before
sending my query into the great unknown. I wanted to find the best
agents for me, write the best query, and have the very best book. So
when I finally sent off my query, I was sure I would get a positive
response. After all, I'd done everything, right? I'd done my research
and it was going to pay off.
Well, I didn't get any bites. Because no matter how much research I
did, my first book really wasn't ready. It belonged to a saturated
genre and the pacing wasn't where it needed to be. In the end I got
two partial requests in all: one from the slush pile and one from a
contest. But both partials were rejected because, honestly, the
writing wasn't ready. No matter how many stories I heard about failed
manuscripts from other querying writers, I never considered that mine
might also fail. I thought I had done everything. I had gone through
all the motions. But it didn't matter. I still needed practice. I
loved my first book but in the end I set it aside, deciding to work on
other projects before I took it back to the editing stage.
I wrote HOUR OF MISCHIEF, the YA Steampunk Fantasy that would
eventually be my winning manuscript, for fun in the fall of my senior
year of high school. I expanded it off of a short story I had written
at a writing camp and planned to expand later on. I started typing and
before the month ended, the manuscript stood completed at just over
60,000 words. I edited the novel over the summer, but I hadn't really
considered querying it any time soon as I wasn't sure I wanted to jump
into the fray again. After all, it was my freshman year of college and
I had a lot to focus on, so querying would just cause undue stress
Yeah, that lasted about two weeks. And within those two weeks I
stumbled across #pitmad, a twitter pitch contest. Without giving
myself much time to think about it, I cast my story to the wind. Just
like that, I was back in the trenches.
This time, I was met with different results. Agents actually requested
partials and fulls, a phenomenon which I hadn't been expecting at all.
I mean, HOUR OF MISCHIEF was something I wrote for fun because I liked
the characters. I didn't consider the possibility of it being my
winning manuscript.
I guess that shows you what I knew.
The surprises continued with one too-good-to-be-true event after
another. I entered in the Nightmare on Query Street contest, hosted
right here on this blog. Again, I expected nothing. Again I was
surprised. Michelle selected me for her group of minions. The contest
was better than I'd ever hoped for and I walked away with several
requests. And the same weekend I got a full request from another agent
with my partial. I didn't even know how to handle myself.
I didn't know it at the time, but my road to an agent started with
that weekend. As the end of the year hit and things slowed down, I
tried to distract myself from the waiting game with homework and more
writing. But a few agents had had my manuscript for longer than their
stated response time so I figured I should nudge. I'm so glad I did.
The agent who requested my full during the weekend of the contest had
never gotten my email. In fact, I had email problems with this same
agent, with my initial submission back in the fall. Apparently our
emails didn't want her to see my MS. From the get go, this agent was
super helpful and communicative. When I nudged her about the full, she
told me that her email had eaten it. And, even more excitingly, that
she had been thinking about my MS the other day, wondering why she
rejected it.
Wait really? Thinking about my manuscript? Really?
I was over the moon as I resent the full MS to her and she promised to
get back to me quickly. My mind flip flopped endlessly between 'maybe
this is the one' and 'maybe it isn't'. A few weeks later, I woke up to
an email asking to schedule a call. Perhaps THE call. I recall rolling
out of my bed, crawling over to my roommate's bed and poking her until
she woke up so I could scream about it with her. Then I breathed and
tried to keep a level head (which worked for two seconds), and emailed
back to schedule a time. Then I waited for the call, trying to
convince myself that I shouldn't get my hopes up and this was probably
a revise and resubmit at best.
I was surprisingly coherent for the call. I didn't black out which I
think was a good sign. Not even when she offered me representation,
though I came close to swooning at that point. I certainly started
belting Let it Go at the top of my lungs as soon as I hung up (As that
is the only proper expression of happiness).
In the end, this agent did up being the one. I only received one offer
but several congratulatory step asides. And I was fine with that.
Because my now agent, Laura Zats of Red Sofa Literary, was the perfect
When I look back on my querying process, I realize that ALL of my
major success came from contests. Laura found me through #pitmad and
most of my partial requests came from Nightmare on Query Street. I got
a few bites from the slushpile but not nearly as many as I got from
contests. My point is: enter in contests. They help you stand out from
the pack and they help you connect with other writers. They're
subjective of course (I entered into several contests with HOUR OF
MISCHIEF and only got in one/ THANKS MICHELLE!) but they can really
pay off. Take a risk and enter. You might find the beginning of your
own success story.
And now what everyone wants:
Query Stats-
Books queried: 2
Books picked up: 1
Queries Sent: 52 (27 for first book, 25 for second book. I am not a
mass querier)
Contests Entered: 6 (2 for first book, 4 for second book)
Contests Accepted into: 2 (1 for first book, 1 for second book)
Partial Requests: 12 (2 from first book, 10 from second book) Full Requests: 4 (0 from first book, 4 from book second book)
Offers of Rep: 1
Offers Accepted: 1
Aimee picked up a pencil as soon as her toddler fingers could and
started writing stories in the underappreciated language of gibberish
scribbles when she was four years old. Since then, she has always
known she wanted to create, and whether on stage, in video editing
software or on a blank word document, she has done just that.
Aimee is currently a freshman at Coe College, attempting a triple
major in Creative Writing, English, and Film Studies because,
according to friends, she is crazy. She is also an intern to the
Kimberley Cameron Agency and enjoys reading the work of other aspiring
writers every day. She is now, of course, represented by Laura Zats
and crossing her fingers for good things in the future.
On Twitter: @AimeeHyndman
On Pintrest: http://www.pinterest.com/AimeeHyndman/
Website: Kallypsowrites.blogspot.com
My fifteen year old grandson loved Hour of Mischief and has asked for the sequel. Please hurry. Thanks.
ReplyDeletePlease hurry. My fifteen year old grandson loved Hour of Mischief and has asked for the sequel. Generally he prefers male protagonists; so, I was especially pleased. Thanks.