Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Query Kombat 2015 Essentials

Query Kombat 2015 is rolling in this weekend (ahh!!) and we thought it'd be a great time to go over the essentials.

Can you submit to Query Kombat 2015? If you pass these three criteria, you can!

  1. Your submission must be PB (50-word instead of 250), MG, YA, NA, or Adult (so, basically, any age category). Completed and polished.
  2. You must be following Mike's blog, Michelle's blog, and you must be subscribed to my #WriteInclusively monthly newsletter.
  3. Your submission cannot have been in the agent round of any contest within the last year, except if you were in Secret Agent or were an alternate for Pitch Wars.
  4. You may enter #TheWvoice and #QueryKombat. 
That's it! We know there has been some back-and-forth on Twitter, but this is the final decision. If we decide on any changes (which is pretty unlikely, but hey, you never know) come back to this post for any updates.

Also, this contest, although VERY FUN, is a big huge time commitment. Please consider supporting the contests and Michelle's blog! (She doesn't like to brag about how much work she does but she does a LOT - she's taken off work for some contests.)

That's it! Have any questions? Comment below. But biggest question: ARE YOU EXCITED?!?!


  1. Very excited! One question: What does PB stand for? Now we are only submitting the first 50 words instead of the first 250?

  2. Oh, never mind Michelle! Duh! Figured it out myself...

  3. Will you please tweet a link to the Submission Guidelines (with formatting, nickname instructions, etc.) I have been looking all over and for some reason I can't seem to find them. : )


    1. is where you can find the format instructions.

  4. I'm entering a PB. This is the first time I see mention of entering the first 50 instead of 250. Am I reading this right? Don't want to mess up my submission.

    1. Yes. PB should just enter 50 words. Many PB aren't 250 words long.

  5. I wish I could enter, but I was in #pitchmas. Good luck everyone.

  6. Is there some sort of sign up required to follow Mike and Michelle's blogs? Or does that just mean I need to generally pay attention to them?

    1. There is a place to become a follower of those blogs. Click on the 'join this site' button in the sidebar. You must have a Google account.

    2. On Mikes blog I do not find "join this site" button in the sidebar. I find "subscribe" at bottom, and I click but don't think it's working. Are others having this problem?
