Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Winter Memory

I thought since everyone else is sharing a winter/snow memory, it's only fair that I do the same. (For the free pass post to the query contest Sun versus Snow go here. For information on the contest and our 15 agents go here.) Here's a quasi embarrassing story from my misspent youth. 

I grew up in Tennessee, not exactly the snow capital of North America. Instead of flaky white stuff that you can throw at people or roll into rotund statues of adorable Christmas icons, my part of Tennessee mostly got stuck with ice when winter weather arrived. Instead of snow days we had ice days.

Another thing about Tennessee, they have lots of tall pine trees. Now ice and tall trees with all the branches at the top are a bad combination. Let me tell you something about icy pine trees, they're really elastic, like an Olympic gymnastic flexible. They bend right down--onto the ground, or onto roofs, or onto, say, power lines. A coating of ice over everything in sight is a beautiful scene until it's a pine tree on your electric line. Then you end up at a motel for a week until things thaw enough for the emergency workers to drive again. Cause yay, Tennessee, no salt trucks either.

But I digress from the quasi embarrassing part. My parents who wanted to give their kids everything, gave us an above ground swimming pool with a nice deck around it going right to the house. A wonderful spot in the summer, but that swimming pool used to turn to ice in the winter as water tends to do. You can see where this is heading, right? But wait, there's more...

In my misspent youth, my sister and I had a favorite hobby of, wait for it, roller skating. This was in the way back, before roller blades, we're talking roller skates. The kind that you might put purple pom-poms on the laces. Sis and I pretty much roller skated day and night, up and down the driveway, all around the garage. It's what we did. Don't ask me why. We used our imagination when we played in those times.

Well one genius day, I decided to roller skate onto the deck. And lo and behold what do I see: a solid surface on our swimming pool. A BRAND new place to skate that had never been skated before! Being the shy little thing that never did anything by herself, I turned back and went and asked my mother. Wait. Are you buying that garbage? I was ten, I didn't ask anyone.  

I skated right out there onto the ice. Look at me; I'm cool on top of the swimming pool. It lasted all of three feet then kersploosh 'cause Tennessee ice ain't that thick, people. So I'm floundering in freezing water with roller skates weighing my feet down like bricks. I'm yelling and panicking. My mother comes racing out, puts her hands on her hips and says, "Stand up."

Yeah. Our pool was only about three and a half feet deep. My family doesn't let me live that one down.


  1. Fun story. I can only imagine how cold you were!

  2. That's hilarious and scary! Glad it wasn't that deep! I love your memories of your sister. My sister and I also came up with all sorts of fun things to do...way before video games and such. It was a fun childhood! Thanks for sharing your story.

  3. So funny. Love how calm your mom was - clearly used to your escapades.

  4. You know, that must have been terrifying at first. As for icecapades, I had a friend in Vermont who thought the weather had turned enough to drive across the pond... Yup, he got to swim in a cold dark pond for his troubles. And that was as an adult.

  5. Happy Blitz Day! I loved your story, esp since it brought back memories of growing up in California. Snow was so rare that on the one occasion I can remember it snowing, we made a California snow guy on the diving board of our pool—complete with mirrored shades, baseball cap (on backwards), beach towel around his neck, beer in one "hand" and a spray-on tan.

    As fellow fantasy writer and bookblogger, I was so happy to see your amazing blog and find out about your books. Kindar's Cure sounds great. What are you working on now?

    [So sorry if this is duplicate message, but I just keep ending up back to the preview popup]

  6. Thanks for the giggles, although, I imagine I would be screaming too, and I am sure my family wouldn't let me live it down either. Happy Blitz Day.

  7. Thanks for sharing these "icy" memories which sound really refreshing at this moment, especially since I'm really feeling the hot and humid mid-summer temperatures my end of the globe!
    Ba-da-bing! Ba-da-bong!
    You have been BLITZED!!

  8. That story sounds terribly cold. Brrrrr Very funny though.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  9. Glad that pool was only 3 1/2 feet deep.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  10. Lol That's great! Very funny. I used to roller skate in our basement because it was unfinished. When we put an addition on, I rolker skated on the concrete foundation, too.

    Happy blitz day!

  11. Saw that coming. Good thing you were taller than three feet.
    Happy Blitz day!

  12. I consider East Tennessee "home" though I don't live there anymore. I can't recall many big snows so I know what you're saying. Funny skating story.

    Enjoy the Blitz!

    Tossing It Out

  13. Fantastic and funny story! Good thing the pool wasn't deep. Whew! Happy Blitz Day! :)

  14. I'm in north Georgia, so I hear you about ice days! Laugh all day, Michelle, because it's Happy Blitz Day!

  15. I used to roller skate all the time and I can see myself doing the same thing.

    Happy Blitz day!

  16. Funny story, but only because you didn't get hurt! I remember roller skating in my friend's basement when I was 10 or 11, we'd but the radio on and skate like we were pros.... fun times. :) Happy Blitz day!!

  17. I saw that coming too. Glad you didn't get hurt. Happy Blitz Day!

  18. Funny story, but kinda scary, too. I've lived in Michigan and Northern Indiana most of my life -- there have been many instances of people dying from falling through the ice. I'm glad you didn't have a deeper pond behind you!

    I used to roller skate in the pre-rollerblades days, too, back when I was 10 - 12 years old. I was never great, but enjoyed teetering and tottering around the rink with friends and the special, 'couple skates' where you'd get to hold the hand of a girl. ;)

    Happy Blitz Day!!!

  19. What a brilliant story, but for a ten year old probably terrifying. I hope it didn't put you off roller skating.

    Happy Blitz Day!!!

  20. Here is Arkansas we get the ice instead of snow as well...which ain't fun! And in your parents defense...I wouldn't let you live that one down either. LOL!

    BTW...the BLITZ is upon you! Enjoy. :)

  21. LOL! I knew that was coming. I'm in Missouri and we get both ice and snow. Some years we get more snow, as has been the case for the past couple of years. But we've had some horrendous ice storms. I love how your mom came out. I can just picture her with her hands fisted on her hips and shaking her head and telling you to stand up, lolol!

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  22. Roller skating on ice! Too funny! I watched several funny Epic Ice Fails lady night and thought of you.

    Happy blitz day:)

  23. Hehehe. I understand the panic though - I'm sure your imagination had taken you to the North Sea or something.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  24. Love this. It sent me back to a memory from my youth in Key Largo. No need for a pool. We had the canal. Loved reading. Happy Blitz Day!!!

  25. What a heart warming 'cold' memory. Happy Blitz Day.

  26. Oh, the memories of childhood. I loved to roller skate, back in the day. Couldn't get me into a pair of skates now.

    Happy Blitz Day


  27. Happy Blitz Day Michelle! We have those ice days up in our part of Kentucky too! *brrr*

  28. Living in Georgia I know what you mean about tall pine trees and ice not mixing. Loved your roller skating story. Happy Blitz Day!

  29. I bet that was a cold dip! Happy Blog Blitz Day, Michelle :)

  30. That's a priceless memory. Well-told, too.

    Just stopped by to join the chorus of other bloggers wishing you a Happy Blitz Day. Enjoy! (Nice to meet ya.)

  31. Great story! Happy blitz day. :)

  32. I can see one of my kids doing the same thing! Thanks for sharing a cute story. Happy Blitz Day.

  33. That's a great story! Glad the pool wasn't very deep! Happy Blitz Day, a little late.

  34. I love that story! It sounds like something the Three Stooges or Laurel and Hardy would do.

  35. That's a great story! And I love your mom's reaction with the hands on the hips and the two words of advice. Funny! Happy Blitz Day, and nice to meet you!

  36. Great story and very happy Blitz Day!

  37. haha I'd panic too. Happy blitz!!

  38. Love the story! I have so many wonderful snow memories from my childhood. Now I live in San Antonio and It's a miracle if it snows at all.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  39. Fab story, made me lol! Happy blitz day! x

  40. What a funny memory! I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself though! Happy blitz day!

  41. Sounds like you have a fun family if they keep ragging you about it. I certainly laughed! Happy Blitz Day!

  42. HAHAHA. What a fantastic winter memory. I love it. Thanks for sharing! :-)

  43. Those are the kinds of winter we have in NC, now, too. When I was little, we used to get real winter--or as real as winter gets for the mid-south.

    Great to meet you! Happy Blitz!

  44. I grew up in CT, but I live in Georgia now, and I miss snow in the winter! But I would NOT want to know what it felt like in water that cold! Happy Blitz day!

  45. Awesome winter story! The one my family tells about me is when we visited my grandparents in Steamboat CO when I was 4 or 5 and the snow went clear to the eaves of the house. I decided I could climb onto the roof that way. Nope. 3 foot kid buried in 10 foot drifts cuz it started a little iced over where the sun had hit it, then just soft snow. I thought it was great. Those who had to dig me out didn't. Happy Blitz day!

  46. I live in the UK where we don't get proper snow that often... but 3 flakes of the real stuff and the whole country grinds to a halt!

    I'm glad your story didn't turn out as bad as it looked like it was going to.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  47. What a wonderful story! I'll never forget the blizzard in NYC when I was a kid. The snow covered the cars! Happy Blitz Day!

  48. I am originally from Maine, so tall pines and ice equals my wintahs in Maine. I grew up on the coastline, all the gorgeous snow turning to ice!

    Loved your winter story!
    I live in NC now...military brought us to the south. Hubby wants to move back to the land of ice castle. Me, I am on the fence.

    Happy Blitz Day!
    Nice to meet you

  49. LOL!!! Love it. Got to love moms who are used to raising ornery kids- I'm assuming, considering the story and all.
    Merry Blitz!

  50. This is like...a Douglas Adams story or something.

  51. I found your story a bit scary. I live further north (a foot of snow outside), where people die when they fall through ice. Happy blitz day!

  52. That is a funny one. You must have been out of your wits! I have a naughty 6 year old so I am with your mom!

    Happy blitz day!

  53. You didn't share what your punishment was. Bet you were one cold little girl. Happy Blitz day.

  54. Oh I was really worried there for a second! Falling into frozen ice would be terrifying! Glad it all was ok :)

  55. Since everything turned out OK, it's a funny story. Happy Blitz!

  56. Lol - I did crack up at the end because we have a similar story about my husband diving into a pool at his mom's house and floundering (he's not a good swimmer) and someone told him to stand up because it wasn't over his head. We have never let him live that down either. hee hee. I'm glad everything turned out all right though!

    Happy Blitz Day!

  57. That's quite a winter memory. ; )

  58. Haha, that's a great story. Happy blitz day! :)

  59. Happy Blitz Day! What memories your post brings up. I used to skate in the garage too.

  60. That's hilarious . . and exactly the kind of thing I would have done. Heck, I still would. Happy Blitz Day.

  61. Great story! And since you were okay afterward, funny too. Lesson learned. ;)

    Happy Blitz Day!!!

  62. Loved your story!! Especially since I'm sitting in my living room in Chattanooga, watching the snowflakes fall.

    Happy Blog Blitz Day!

  63. Hahaha that's great!
    We had an ice rink in the back yard (in WI), that was just made from lots and lots of water from the hose :)
    Happy Blitz Day!

  64. Thanks for all the visits and the great blitz day! It was truly a surprise!

  65. So funny!!!! (and scary o_O) But great memory to have ;)

    Happy Blitz Day!

  66. LOL! That is totally awesome. Oh man! Whew! Thanks for the laugh.

    Happy blitz, and I'm leaving a tray of cheese to help you live down that blunder.

  67. Happy blitz day! Where I live ice isn't anywhere near this funny! Thank goodness you survived your brush with it!

  68. I would never let my kids live it down either, lol. Some stories are just too good to leave alone and collect dust bunnies.

  69. I would probably do the exact same thing as your mom!

    Happy Blitz!

  70. Happy Blitz day! Sorry, I'm late but I've been without internet service all day. :-(

  71. HAHAHAHA! Oh my goodness! When you panic, though, you panic. That sounds like something I would've tried, too.

  72. Hi, Michelle,
    I laughed so loudly when I got to the end of that post. I guess it was the thought of drowning to sent you into a panic.

  73. Aww, that's such a fun story! Years later, of course. Bet it was freezing and not so fun at the time! Sounds like something I might have tried :-)
    Happy belated blitz day!
