Title: My Shape is Sam
Genre: Fiction
Word Count: 480
First 50 Words:
Dear agents,
I am submitting my picture book, My Shape is Sam, in hopes its humor, heart and distinct voice match what you’re looking for.
Sam is a square who longs for softer corners, rounder edges and the ability to roll like a circle. But everyone knows that squares don’t roll, they thump. At least that’s what everyone thought until the day Sam took a tumble and discovered something wonderful.
With playful imagery and a gentle touch, at 480 words My Shape is Sam looks at gender nonconformity through the eyes of Sam, a square whose outside shape doesn't match his inside shape. With this story I hope to acknowledge and affirm the identities of those who can relate to Sam, and spark conversation about our many and varied shapes.
I'm a member of SCBWI, as well as a member of two SCBWI connected critique groups. I have a bachelor's degree in Human Development and 10+ years' experience working with children, in and out of the classroom. I have several more polished picture book manuscripts, ready upon request.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Sam had four even sides. Four pointy corners. And like all other squares, he was a builder. He lived in a place where everyone had a job, depending on their shape.
Circles were smooth and round. Good at rolling, spinning, and pushing. They all turned together to make things go.
This sounds lovely, I'd really like to see the rest. Please send to query@psliterary.com with the query in the email + full MS attached and put #PBParty in the subject!