Friday, October 4, 2013

Valuable Links: Get That Email There on Time

This week's valuable link is timely for all the contests (hint: Nightmare on Query Street) happening in October! Say you live in a particular time zone that doesn't really sinc well with New York Eastern time, but you want to enter a big contest. You've not keen on waking up in the middle of the night to do this.

Or perhaps you work a job where you can't be near a computer during the day to hit send on an email. (This describes my job by the way.) Are you just supposed to miss out on possible life-altering contests?

Heck no!!!

But your email server doesn't let you schedule those pesky emails. (Darn them.) Do you have to create a whole other email account just to enter contests? After all, you're kinda partial to that account, you've had it for years and the password is your deceased goldfish's name.  

Heck no!!!

So, what can you do? 

LetterMeLater sends that troublesome email for you and makes it seem as if it came from your very own account. Plus, you can schedule your email so it sends with pinpoint accuracy. Don't want to be too early or too late. LetterMeLater saves the day! All for free. 


  1. I have used LetterMeLater, and it is fantastic. I have found that it has a few seconds delay to the server it delivers too, but you'd have that with any email. (now, how do you sort out the emails when you get 100 that are all time stamped at exactly the same time?)

  2. This sounds like an awesome tool when entering contests! Love it. Thanks for posting.

  3. It got me into a few contests as well!

  4. I use Boomerang for Gmail, works the same, you can schedule your emails ahead of time. I like it.

  5. That sounds cool.

  6. I really like the idea of this but I sent out a test email and it blew away all my formatting. It came through as one giant paragraph. Any idea how to fix that?

    1. You probably cut and pasted your query into the email. After you paste it into the email take out all the spaces between paragraphs with delete and then reinsert them with enter. Remove any other formatting (like italics) and redo it while in the email. That might fix the problem.
