Query Kombat is coming soon! I likely won't have a mini-contest in May because of that, but ...

Want a chance to see the Query Kombat '14 agents (and there are 10 so far) early? Get signed up for my newsletter!
What this newsletter would be is a way to get early notice of any contests I might have up my sleeve or any writing news that springs at me like a tiger from the bushes. It will be a heads up that something interesting is going to happen. For example: I might notify you of the release of my newest short story or send you an advance preview of the agents for Query Kombat. (Submission is May 22nd.)
What this newsletter will not be is a weekly or even a monthly thing to clutter your inbox. I plan to only use it sparingly. Nor will the information I collect be used for any other purpose. (Disclaimer Disclaimer Legalese terms here)
All you have to do is fill out the information in the right sidebar. Which means your name and email address, along with any message you want to leave me.
To unsubscribe, leave that message in the same contact widget and I'll take you off the list. Or shout at me on twitter or anywhere else.
Published/agented writers, if you're interested in being a judge for Query Kombat check out this post.
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