Genre: Humorous, Character Driven, Picture Book
Word Count: 200
Dear Agent,
I am submitting for your consideration my manuscript, THE RHINOCORN. In this humorous, character driven, picture book, Henry, the rhinoceros, is convinced he's a unicorn. Everyone else at the zoo is not.
This book runs in the same vein as Kelly DiPucchio's GASTON and Tammi Sauer's MOSTLY MONSTERLY in that the character needs to be himself, even when his exterior doesn't quite match what's inside.
I hold an MFA in Creative Writing, have attended numerous SCBWI workshops and conferences, and have been published multiple times in Highlights Magazine. I am a member of 12 x 12 and maintain a blog at http://www.childrensbookacademy.com/mondays-with-mandy-or-mira.html
First 50:
The day Henry arrived at the zoo, he greeted the others by saying, “Hi. I’m Henry. I’m a unicorn.” (Ill. Note. Henry's a Rhinoceros.)
Henry pointed his horn in the air and pranced around.
Lion roared with laughter.
Hyena cackled with delight.
And Giraffe asked, “Aren’t you a bit big boned to be a unicorn?”
Hi there!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to take a look at this. Please send your query pasted in the email and the manuscript attached as a word document to: rena (at) thedeborahharrisagency (dot) com
- Rena Rossner
Aww! I almost want to get him one of those tall, twisted lollipops--perhaps actually called unicorn horns! But the zoo might frown on that, and rhinoceroses are dangerous.
ReplyDeleteI'd be happy to see more! Please send query and full manuscript (in the body of the email, if you can--or as a Word doc, if you're worried about formatting) to Submissions at SarahJaneFreymann dot com, with #PBParty in the subject. Thank you!
All best wishes,
Hi there,
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute idea. I'd be happy to read the rest. Please send your query and manuscript in the body of an email to info(at)pippinproperties.com with PB Party in the subject line.
This sounds really fun! I'd be happy to take a look! Please send a query letter and manuscript to: chquery[at]mcintoshandotis[dot]com. Please put #PB Party request in the subject line.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds fun and cute and weird-- great combination! Please send a query letter and manuscript copied into the body of the email to my email address. Subject line should indicate #PBParty. Check out www.martinlit.com for contact and other submission details. Thanks for participating in #PBParty! - Clelia