Monday, March 23, 2015

PBParty Agent Round!

I don't have enough words to say how much I've enjoyed this contest. The entries just blew Sharon and I away. They are beyond adorable, heart touching, hilarious, sweet and informative. I don't know about Sharon, but I felt like I was in the middle of a group love hug while reading them. I wish I could highlight all of them on my blog.

Please remember that contests are so subjective. Some entries attracted me more than others, that's just the nature of publishing. We had over forty more entries favorited in the maybe folder or starred as something special. The entries in this contest are just that good. I'm sure there will be much success for this group, whether your entry is picked today or not.

Commenting on entries is for agents only. If you'd like to cheer or rave about a favorite, please hop over to twitter at the hashtag #PBParty. The party continues there as we celebrate and support our fellow writers.

Thanks to everyone who entered. I hope to have another PB contest this summer. Stay tuned to the blog for future news.  

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