Wednesday, July 20, 2016

PBParty 16: Mess Monster, Humorous PB

Title: Mess Monster
Genre: Humorous Picture Book
Word Count: 480 words
Dear Awesome Agent,
Thank you for participating in PBParty! I hope my 480 word picture book, Mess Monsterwill be a good match for you.  
Becca isn’t allowed to leave the house until her room is clean, so she hides her out-of-control mess. It turns into a Mess Monster that follows her to a birthday party and tries to devour everything in sight. Becca finally discovers the secret to getting rid of the monster…but will she be too late?
I’m proud to have several pieces published in Highlights magazine, my humorous middle grade novel Mom Wars won an honorable mention in the 2014 Rate Your Story contest, and two of my picture book manuscripts placed in the 80th Annual Writer’s Digest Competition. I'm the SCBWI FL Newsletter Editor and Critique Group Coordinator, an Administrator on the SCBWI Blueboard, and a founding member of From the Mixed-Up Files…of Middle-Grade Authors. I have several other polished picture book manuscripts and two completed contemporary middle grade novels.
I have pasted the first 50 words below and look forward to hearing from you.

First 50 Words: 
Becca jumped over junk and boogied around a bunch of books. “It’s party time!” 

“Not until your room is neat,” Mom said. 

I can’t be late to my best friend’s party. Becca jammed games, glittery glasses, and dusty dolls in the closet. She shoved clothes, stuffed animals, and all she could squish under the bed.


  1. I'd like to see this! Please send the manuscript and query to cheschke[at]mcintoshandotis [dot]com

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'd love to see more of this manuscript. Please send the full manuscript and query to with "Requested" in the subject line of your email. Thank you!
